West Yorkshire police officer found hanged '˜could not live' with indecent images arrest

A POLICE officer found dead the day after he was arrested over an allegation of having indecent images on his computer left a note saying he 'could not live with it' an inquest jury was told.

The body of Police Constable Kevin Ellis, of Whitwood, Castleford, was found suspended from a tree in the grounds of his former school – Rodillian Academy at Lofthouse – in April 2013.

The 33-year-old had been arrested at 1.20pm on April 17 2013 over an allegation involving indecent images on a computer, Wakefield Coroner’s Court heard.

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After being released from custody bailed to his parents’ home he was given a lift by a fellow officer, but got out of the car at 8.40pm saying he wanted to walk the rest of the way to clear his head.

The divorced father-of-two’s body was found just before 1pm on April 18.

West Yorkshire Coroner David Hinchliff gave details of part of the note to the jury, saying: “In the note he left, he, himself, gave no reason.

“But he used the word taint and his arrest and the fact that he could not live with it and didn’t want the matter to affect his children’s lives.”

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