Westminster killer named as Kent-born Khalid Masood, 52

The Westminster attacker, who has been named as Khalid Masood.The Westminster attacker, who has been named as Khalid Masood.
The Westminster attacker, who has been named as Khalid Masood.
The Westminster terrorist has been named as Khalid Masood, a 52-year-old with a string of criminal convictions including possession of a knife.

Scotland Yard said Masood was not the subject of any current investigations and there was “no prior intelligence about his intent to mount a terrorist attack”.

However, he was known to police and has a range of previous convictions for assaults, including GBH, possession of offensive weapons and public order offences.

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Masood was born in Kent on Christmas Day in 1964 and detectives believe he was most recently living in the West Midlands.

The Westminster attacker, who has been named as Khalid Masood.The Westminster attacker, who has been named as Khalid Masood.
The Westminster attacker, who has been named as Khalid Masood.